The Exit Interview
We talk with active duty Coast Guard personnel and veterans about their service careers. The Military services unlike most businesses do not conduct an exit interview. So if they won't we will. Our retired Coast Guard E-9's will talk the good and the bad of our guests time in the service. This podcast focuses on leaders and Coast Guard policies effecting active duty member's.
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The Exit Interview
Latest Episodes
Episode 18-Heather Correll

Episode 17- Meghan Returns

Episode 16-EOY Recap

Fan Mail
hello- my story is nearly identical to Meghan’s. I was in the Coast Guard stationed at a small boat station in Washington- Station Grays Harbor. After a documented police report, a filed complaint, witness statement, other female complaints/assaults and harassment, I was finally granted my service connected disability after nearly a decade later after the VA lost all my records. It’s even worse not being believed. Thank you Meghan for being brave, courageous and vulnerable. You have made me feel connected and not alone.
Olympia, Washington